Thursday, June 14, 2007

And so, Draft One begins...

Yep, I started Chapter One of my new MIP.

The MIP's working title is Where He Leads, book one of the Social Circle Chronicles.

BTW, MIP stands for Masterpiece in Progress.

I can say that here, because this is my blog. But this is the only place you'll see me typing that. When on, everything I write is an MIP.

Good or not.

That's my rule.

Anyway, I am declaring this because the writing meter has also changed.

I've got 1000 words written so far in Draft One/Chapter One of WHL.

Although I have a heck of a lot of words written between the snowflake of WHL and my GMC charts (which I plan to blog about soon - because these things are great!), this word count is the one that actually counts!

Never mind I've revised the five/six pages about three times. I do plan to move on. Remember, this is my MIP. Making a masterpiece does take time and patience.

Prayers for perseverance are welcome.


AngBreidenbach said...

Dear Lord,
I bring Christy and myself before you. We both have these dreams of novels in our souls that we want to share. Help us to be faithful to Your calling on our lives to write them. Help us to open our minds and hearts to Your teaching through the Holy Spirit and those who offer their knowledge to walk with us in the journey to publication.
For all of Your gifts that you have given us,
Thank you.
In Jesus Name,

From Angie

Christy LaShea said...

Angie, Thank you for that beautiful prayer.



I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...