Hello, 2016!
I may be about 15 days late in greeting the new year via this blog, but I waited to write as I wanted my first post of the new year to be meaningful.
And today we're celebrating.
About 8 years ago, I returned to my day job after taking a long maternity leave. I'm sure I've written about being a stay at home mom after my daughter was born. While I was glad to have a job to return to, I missed being at home with my child. But I held my head high, blessed to have an income when many others may not. I returned to work and was reunited with many old friends. I also met many new people. Employees come and go with my company as I'm sure they do with yours. We move from office to office and from state to state. Change is the norm. Embrace it, or be miserable. I like to be happy so I embrace.
Sherrie was one of the new people I met. She wasn't new to the company but was one of those folks who was mobile. Sherrie and I worked on the team I rejoined. Working in an office environment eight hours a day means you get to know your co-workers pretty well. One day i overheard Sherrie and another co-worker talking about books and I discovered that Sherrie, like me, enjoyed writing. We started up a conversation about our stories and quickly found common ground.
I asked Sherrie if she was serious about writing. When she replied that she was, I invited her to be my guest at Georgia Romance Writers, a chapter of Romance Writers of America.
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Sherrie and I at Georgia Romance Writer's Moonlight & Magnolias Conference, October 2015
Eight years later, following personal and career ups and downs, I'm thrilled to report that Sherrie has just signed with The Wild Rose Press! She received this wonderful news in December. What a wonderful Christmas present! I'm so thrilled for her. I'll be sure to invite Sherrie to talk more about her road to publication so stay tuned!
It's a wonderful thing to belong to an organization and a group of people who share your same interests. Be sure to encourage those you come in contact with. When you encourage others, it has a positive effect on you. When they celebrate, you share the joy. The opportunity to celebrate, be it for a friend or yourself is special and shouldn't be taken for granted.
Are you celebrating anything you'd like to share?
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Celebrate, Celebrate!
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I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...
I'm so excited to have my friend and multi-published author Missy Tippens as a guest today. Please give Missy a warm welcome and leave a...
Hello, 2016! I may be about 15 days late in greeting the new year via this blog, but I waited to write as I wanted my first post of...
Lindi here. ob·sta·cle [ob-stuh-kuh l] –noun. something that obstructs or hinders progress. o·ver·come [oh-ver-kuhm] -came, -come, ...
After watching a movie called "The Five people you meet in Heaven", I made a personal promise to always tell those who have impacted my life in a positive way that they have done so. Regardless of how well I know them, who they are or where they live. I don't want one person who has had a positive effect on me to go one more minute without knowing.
You changed my life that day Christy! I tell your story to every new writer I meet. Because of you, I come out of my shy shell and ask people that same question when they express an interest in writing. "Are you serious about this?" Then I invite them to come to a meeting!
I celebrate my accomplishment with you in mind.
That's awesome Sherrie! Thank you!
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