Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keep Me Accountable - One Week Down

It's been a busy week of writing as much as possible, keeping the story fresh on my mind and chatting with friends to keep me accountable. All in all, it's been a good week of progress! I've added a prologue this weekend, that may or may not see the light of day in the final draft... Nevertheless, the internal editor is OFF and the writing is commencing.

While Lindi advises her first draft is full of dialogue, I'm finding I have to "tell" the scene first. Unless the scene is already vivid in my mind, I cannot get the dialogue on paper until the characters actions are clear in my head. This is a good example of how each of us works differently.

A very long time ago, I finished a rough draft in 3 weeks. Another time, it took 6 weeks. I'm hoping to repeat the past this month and have at least 50K down by the end of November.

My current word count is 10,911. That's a great advance since I last posted!

Now it's your turn to check in!


Lynda Lee Schab said...

You're doing great, Christy! I've always wanted to participate but November is always my busiest month (especially this year with my first book coming out). I admire you for your dedication and have no doubt you'll meet your goal! :-)

Eva Maria Hamilton said...

3-6 weeks wow!
Good word count Christy! Glad your internal editor is off! I won't switch mine back on until I hit about 60k-70k.

I'm still on target and am so happy about that, I really didn't want to play catch up when I got home, although that's still a possibility :)

I'm actually writing this whole novel by hand! There is something really satisfying in having a pen run out of ink! Lol

Keep it up everyone!

Eva Maria Hamilton said...

Congratulations on your debut book Lynda!

Dianna Shuford said...

Go, Christy! You are amazing.

Eva- you too!!

Christy LaShea said...

Congratulations on your debut, Lynda! Tell us more about it!

Wow Eva! I haven't tried writing a novel by hand in a long time. I don't know if I could stick it out, my handwriting gets so bad. That's a very unique way to approach the novel. Good for you!

Thanks Dianna. Let's just say my revisions will probably be a nightmare. BUT! We won't worry about that right now!!!!

Marji Laine - Faith Driven Fiction said...

You have about the same word count goal that I have. I'm hoping to have my novel done at 80k by the end of this month. I'm at 50k now. About 2300 words per day. Good luck on your goal and we can compare notes on 12/1!

Christy LaShea said...

That would be great Marji! I'm sure you'll meet that 80k goal. Please come back and let me know how you did!


I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...