Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fear Not

Recently I was inspired by an article in the September 2011 issue of Writer's Digest.

This is the Big 10 Issue and the article is 10 Ways to Harness Fear and Fuel Your Writing by Sage Cohen.

First of all, I didn't consider myself afraid, but the more I read the article, the more I recognized my own bad habits.

The author of the article gave some examples that rang true with me... The article states, "For example, did you ever consider that the piece of writing you just can't get right--and therefore endlessly revise--may be a reflection of your fear?"
No... I thought I just wasn't writing the story good enough. That I wasn't good enough yet, to declare the chapter, or the story, finished so that it could be submitted to others... submitted for query or to contests.  The author of the article declares:

"When we find fear at the root of a challenging habit or behavior, we are fortunate--because with awareness, we have choices."

The week I read this article, I started to recognize my wasting time in the morning on blogs, on social media, was my way to avoid the story.  After all, I'm not a historian... what business do I have writing a historical?  Nevertheless, the story is in me and it wants to be told. As with any story, it will take work. It will take extra time to develop the characters and research backgrounds, but if I love the story, it will be worth it in the end. One day, it could become published.

I also recognized fear in my everyday living. I'm an emotional eater. If my day at work is bad, I head for the sweets, the chocolate.... If I've had a really bad day, it's cheeseburger and fries time! 

Then, I had to ask myself... did eating that make me feel better?  Maybe for a second, but then I felt lousy later. Too many calories = Too much fat around my waist. It also makes for a really tired wife and mommy. I'm irritable. I don't want to be around anyone and truth be known, no one wants to be around me.

With awareness, we have choices..... So, Fear Not!

I can choose to eat bad, or I can choose to deal with the problem head on - Get it over with - Eat healthier and feel better. Face my fear in my writing and write the chapter anyway!

Who knows? Something fabulous may happen in the mean time.

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I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...