Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
eye of the god by Ariel Allison

Allison is a published author who lives in a small Texas town with her husband and three young sons. She is the co-author of Daddy Do You Love Me: a Daughter’s Journey of Faith and Restoration (New Leaf Press, 2006). Justin Case, the first of three children’s books will be published by Harvest House in June 2009. Ariel is a weekly contributor to and has written for Today’s Christian Woman. She ponders on life as a mother of all boys at and on her thoughts as a redeemed dreamer at
From Ariel:
I am the daughter of an acclaimed and eccentric artist, and given my “unconventional” childhood, had ample time to explore the intricacies of story telling. I was raised at the top of the Rocky Mountains with no running water or electricity (think Laura Ingles meets the Hippie Movement), and lived out the books I read while running barefoot through the sagebrush. My mother read to me by the light of a kerosene lantern for well over a decade, long after I could devour an entire novel in the course of a day. Authors such as C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, George MacDonald, and L.M. Montgomery were the first to capture my heart and I have
grown to love many others since.

We follow Alex and Isaac Weld, the most lucrative jewel thieves in the world, in their quest to steal the gem, which according to legend was once the eye of a Hindu idol named Rama Sita. When it was stolen in the 17th century, it is said that the idol cursed all those who would possess it. That won’t stop the brilliant and ruthless Weld brothers.
However, they are not prepared for Dr. Abigail Mitchell, the beautiful Smithsonian Director, who has her own connection to the Hope Diamond and a deadly secret to keep. Abby committed long ago that she would not serve a god made with human hands, and the “eye of the god” is no exception. Her desire is not for wealth, but for wisdom. She seeks not power, but restoration.
When the dust settles over the last great adventure of the Hope Diamond, readers will understand the “curse” that has haunted its legacy is nothing more than the greed of evil men who bring destruction upon themselves. No god chiseled from stone can direct the fates of humankind, nor can it change the course of God’s story.
If you would like to read the prologue and first chapter of eye of the god, go HERE
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Little Help from My Friends by Anne Dayton & May Vanderbilt

ANNE DAYTON graduated from Princeton University and is earning her master's degree in English literature at New York University. She works for a New York publishing company and lives in Brooklyn.
MAY VANDERBILT graduated from Baylor University and went on to earn a master's degree in fiction from Johns Hopkins University. She lives in San Francisco, where she writes about food, fashion, and nightlife in the Bay Area.
Together, the two women are the authors of Miracle Girls series

Pressure builds when Zoe's assigned partner for history class is Dean Marchese--a handsome New York transplant who isn't afraid to show her how he feels.
Just when she needs her three best friends the most, the Miracle Girls are suffering from boy troubles of their own.
Even Zoe's rock-solid home life begins to shake underneath her when her parents' relationship frays in the face of serious financial burdens. As this uncertain year of growing pains comes to a frenetic head, the quietest Miracle Girl must find her voice at long last and take control of her own destiny . . . with more than a little help from her friends.
If you would like to read the first chapter of A Little Help from My Friends, go HERE
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Inspiring You Thursday - Music
This song never fails to uplift me. Enjoy!
Holy by Nicole Nordeman (From the 34th Dove Awards)
Holy by Nicole Nordeman (From the 34th Dove Awards)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Fence My Father Built by Linda S. Clare


The fence and accompanying house trailer horrify rebellious Nova, who runs away to the drug-infested streets of Seattle. Muri searches for her daughter and for something to believe in, all the while trying to save her inheritance from the conniving neighbor who calls her dad Chief Joseph.
Along with Joe's sister, Aunt Lutie, and the Red Rock Tabernacle Ladies, Muri must rediscover the faith her alcoholic dad never abandoned in order to reclaim her own spiritual path.
Watch the trailer:
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Fence My Father Built , go HERE
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday Tip: BELONG

Here's your tip for Tuesday. Whether you're a writer, artist or musician, it's good to have friends in the business. These friends seem to always filter into our "normal" lives which is a good thing. When you're serious about a dream, you can't help for the worlds to collide.
Once I started interacting with others in my writing groups both in person and on Internet loops and blogs, I began to understand the business better. My perspective changed.
When I talk about friends in the business, I don't mean that these friends help you further your career. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't look at having these friends for that purpose. And usually, your "friends" can't do anything for your career. It's up to you to do that.
Friends in the business understand you. They understand your struggle with finding time to hone your craft. They understand how difficult it is to find a balance with day-to-day activities and the things you'd rather be doing - like writing or painting or working on lyrics for a new song. As far as writing friends are concerned, I know people I can call to help me pull together a proposal. I have a group of dedicated friends who are there to give me advice, pick me up when I'm rejected, and pray for me through it all.
I received an email from one of my critique partners yesterday. In it, she was thanking me for looking over her latest chapters but she also told me what she hoped to accomplish that day. She also shared that she may be just a few chapters away from finishing her manuscript. I was happy to read about her progress, but in turn, it helped me remember I have a manuscript to work on too. Reading about her progress gave me the nudge I needed to hurry and work on my WIP this morning.
Once I started interacting with others in my writing groups both in person and on Internet loops and blogs, I began to understand the business better. My perspective changed.
When I talk about friends in the business, I don't mean that these friends help you further your career. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't look at having these friends for that purpose. And usually, your "friends" can't do anything for your career. It's up to you to do that.
Friends in the business understand you. They understand your struggle with finding time to hone your craft. They understand how difficult it is to find a balance with day-to-day activities and the things you'd rather be doing - like writing or painting or working on lyrics for a new song. As far as writing friends are concerned, I know people I can call to help me pull together a proposal. I have a group of dedicated friends who are there to give me advice, pick me up when I'm rejected, and pray for me through it all.
I received an email from one of my critique partners yesterday. In it, she was thanking me for looking over her latest chapters but she also told me what she hoped to accomplish that day. She also shared that she may be just a few chapters away from finishing her manuscript. I was happy to read about her progress, but in turn, it helped me remember I have a manuscript to work on too. Reading about her progress gave me the nudge I needed to hurry and work on my WIP this morning.
After I've attended a writer's meeting, I'm always inspired. It's fun to share experiences with people who are on the same road you're on. It's a boost to hear from published authors who've been in your shoes and are walking on the next level. Some are published, some are very close.
I'm a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and their local chapters. I'm on an email loop through ACFW where writers across the country post questions and updates. There is usually some bit of information that is helpful. From RWA, I receive a quarterly magazine that gives updates in the business and articles on the craft of writing.
Beyond writing, there are groups everywhere. You may belong to a book club, a quilter's club, a Bridge club. You may be a Star Trek fan and go to the conventions I've heard about.
Even my husband belongs to a club made up of folks who love to fish. They have an Internet forum and share advice about good fishing holes and tips on catching the big one. Their all striving for the same goal and I'm sure they grow in their abilities by learning from others.
Do you have a hobby or an interest beyond your family and 9-5 job? I'd love to hear about it. Have you found your interests and your family life mesh from time to time?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Watch Over Me by Christa Parrish

A winner of Associated Press awards for her reporting, Christa gave up her career after the birth of her son, Jacob. She continued to write from home, doing pro bono work for the New York Family Policy Council, where her articles appeared in Focus on the Family’s Citizen magazine. She was also a finalist in World magazine’s WORLDview short story contest, sponsored by WestBow press. She now teaches literature and writing to high school students, is a homeschool mom, and lives with her husband, author Chris Coppernoll, and son in upstate New York, where she is at work on her third novel.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Watch Over Me, go HERE
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Leaving Yesterday by Kathryn Cushman

My third attempt became my first published novel.
A Promise to Remember was a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers Book-of-the-Year in the Women’s Fiction category, and Waiting for Daybreak was a finalist in Women’s Fiction for the Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award. Leaving Yesterday just arrived on scene and I’m very excited about it!
On the homefront, I’ve been married to the wonderful and handsome Lee for over twenty years now, and our two daughters are currently braving the worlds of elementary and high school. We’ve lived in Santa Barbara for the last seventeen years. When I’m not writing or reading or braving seventy degree holidays, you’ll find me watching the younger daughter play softball, or the older daughter building amazing high school theater sets

But then a detective arrives at Alisa's door asking questions about a murder--the death of a drug dealer before Kurt entered rehab. Alisa fears losing her son again, and when she finds evidence linking him to the killing, she destroys it. Her boy is different now. He's changed and deserves a second chance.
But when another man is charged with the crime, Alisa finds herself facing an impossible choice: be silent and keep her son or give up everything for the truth.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Leaving Yesterday, go HERE
Monday, October 12, 2009
Things Worth Remembering by Jackina Stark

Jackina says: "Although I loved my subjects and my students, I retired to do more writing and speaking, to spend more time with my family, and to travel with family and friends (including trips to encourage two missions in Cambodia). I have also spoken nationally and internationally at many retreats and seminars and enjoy running into many readers and former students. I have written frequently for both Christian Standard and Lookout, periodicals of Standard Publishing. Years ago I wrote two non-fiction books, published by College Press, but currently out of print. These days, I’m exploring fiction. My first novel, Tender Grace, was released by Bethany House January 30, 2009, and Things Worth Remembering, is the second. I’m working on new projects, including a third novel, as time permits. Whether speaking or writing, I love the opportunity to tell about Him whom Jesus called “Holy Father” and “the only true God.”
She has been married to her husband, Tony, for forty-two years. They live in Carl Junction, Missouri, and have two daughters and six grandchildren.

Maisey asked for a bride doll the Christmas she was five, mesmerized by her aunt's wedding the fall before. Since then I've been dreaming of the day, or days, we would shop for her wedding dress. A mother helping her daughter find just the right creation for that momentous walk down the aisle strikes me as one of life's happiest endeavors. The night she called to tell us she'd bought her "dream of a gown," I sat beside Luke on the couch, a striking contrast to Maisey's exuberance.
My dejection seemed a tad inappropriate. "Being hurt because I wasn't included is silly, isn't it?" I asked.
"Not so silly," he said.
Will I ever quit longing for the Maisey who was once mine?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Things Worth Remembering , go HERE
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Measure of Mercy by Lauraine Snelling

Shown in her contemporary romances and women’s fiction, a hallmark of Lauraine’s style is writing about real issues of forgiveness, loss, domestic violence, and cancer within a compelling story. Her work has been translated into Norwegian, Danish, and German, and she has won the Silver Angel Award for An Untamed Land and a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart for Song of Laughter.
As a most sought after speaker, Lauraine encourages others to find their gifts and live their lives with humor and joy. Her readers clamor for more books more often, and Lauraine would like to comply ... if only her paintbrushes and easel didn’t call quite so loudly.
Lauraine and her husband, Wayne, have two grown sons, and live in the Tehachapi Mountains with a cockatiel named Bidley, and a watchdog Basset named Chewy. They love to travel, most especially in their forty-foot motor coach, which they affectionately deem “a work in progress”.

Joshua Landsverk left Blessing two years ago, but he's never forgotten Astrid. Returning to town, he seeks to court her.
Astrid is attracted to him, and when the opportunity unexpectedly opens for her to go to Chicago for medical training, she finds it difficult to leave. Love blossoms through their letters, but upon arriving back home, she makes a heartbreaking discovery. She learns he's left town--again. Believing Joshua no longer loves her, Astrid makes an impetuous, heart-wrenching decision.
Will she regret the choice she's made? Will she have to give up love to pursue her dream?
If you would like to read the first chapter of A Measure of Mercy, go HERE
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Golden Heart Contest
Okay, for all of you out there who have a finished manuscript, and its a romance, it is time for you to polish it to enter the Golden Heart. The 2010 Golden Heart Contest is now open to entries!!!
Straight from the RWA Home page are the instructions on how to enter...
Online: Log in to and go to My Account Profile. From My Account Profile, select My Contests. Then, click the 2010 Golden Heart Contest Entry Form link and proceed to enter.
Mail: Send the entry form and fee to the RWA Office: RWA, attn: RITA Contest, 14615 Benfer Rd., Houston, TX 77069.
Fax: Fax the entry form and fee to the RWA Office at 832-717-5201.
Entry forms and fees must be received at the RWA Office no later than 5 p.m. CT on November 16, 2009.
Entered works must be received in the RWA Office by 5 p.m. CT on December 2, 2009.
Straight from the RWA Home page are the instructions on how to enter...
Online: Log in to and go to My Account Profile. From My Account Profile, select My Contests. Then, click the 2010 Golden Heart Contest Entry Form link and proceed to enter.
Mail: Send the entry form and fee to the RWA Office: RWA, attn: RITA Contest, 14615 Benfer Rd., Houston, TX 77069.
Fax: Fax the entry form and fee to the RWA Office at 832-717-5201.
Entry forms and fees must be received at the RWA Office no later than 5 p.m. CT on November 16, 2009.
Entered works must be received in the RWA Office by 5 p.m. CT on December 2, 2009.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Maggie Awards, Saturday October 3, 2009
The Georgia Romance Writers held their Moonlight & Magnolias Conference this weekend and Saturday night was the Maggie awards.
A very special treat for me... my hubby came along as my date. Here we are before the Awards Ceremony.
And here are the results:
1st Place ~ Keli Gwyn, Violets & Violins
Kelli was in California and unable to attend the Maggies. She gave a wonderful acceptance speech from her cell phone, while our own GRW member, Walt, held the phone to the microphone. If I'd been using my head, I would have taken a picture of Walt holding the phone to the mic!
Congratulations, Kelli! I know we've seen you visit the FAITH blog in the past! We're celebrating with you!
2nd Place ~ Christine Johnson, The Aviatrix
3rd Place ~ Belinda Peterson, Dreaming of You
Look how beautiful she looks!!! Lindi is such a wonderful encourager! I will never forget my second GRW meeting (the first had been about 2-3 years earlier and I'd been too afraid to return until 2006). I sat down beside Lindi and she made me feel like we'd been friends forever. And then she introduced me to Missy, another great encourager, and ACFW... The rest is history. Congratulations, my friend!
4th Place ~ Cara Slaughter, Love on Assignment
Honorable Mention
~ Christy LaShea, The Bridge Between
~ Dianna Shuford, Racing Against Time
What are you celebrating? I'd love to learn about it and celebrate with you!
Though Waters Roar by Lynn Austin

Lynn resigned from teaching to write full-time in 1992. Since then she has published twelve novels. Five of her historical novels, Hidden Places, Candle in the Darkness, Fire by Night, A Proper Pursuit, and Until We Reach Home have won Christy Awards in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, and 2009 for excellence in Christian Fiction.
Fire by Night was also one of only five inspirational fiction books chosen by Library Journal for their top picks of 2003, and All She Ever Wanted was chosen as one of the five inspirational top picks of 2005. Lynn's novel Hidden Places has been made into a movie for the Hallmark Channel.

So went the words of Grandma Bebe. And for all of my growing-up years, I scoffed at the beauty of my sister and what I saw as her meaningless existence. But my wits hadn't served me well in this instance, for here I was, in jail. And while I could have seen it as carrying on the family tradition (for Grandma Bebe landed in jail for her support of Prohibition), the truth is, my reasons for being here would probably break her heart.
So how did I end up becoming a criminal? I've been pondering that question all night. Perhaps the best way to search for an answer is to start at the very beginning.
Harriet Sherwood has always adored her grandmother. But when Harriet decides to follow in her footsteps to fight for social justice, she certainly never expected her efforts to land her in jail. Nor did she expect her childhood enemy and notorious school bully, Tommy O'Reilly, to be the arresting officer.
Languishing in a jail cell, Harriet has plenty of time to sift through the memories of the three generations of women who have preceded her. As each story emerges, the strength of her family--and their deep faith in the God of justice and righteousness--brings Harriet to the discovery of her own goals and motives for pursuing them.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Though Waters Roar, go HERE
Friday, October 2, 2009
Intervention by Terri Blackstock

In 1994 Blackstock was writing for publishers such as HarperCollins, Harlequin and Silhouette, when a spiritual awakening drew her into the Christian market. Since that time, she’s written over thirty Christian titles, in addition to the thirty-two she had in the secular market. Her most recent books are the four in her acclaimed Restoration Series, which includes Last Light, Night Light, True Light and Dawn’s Light. She is also known for her popular Newpointe 911 and Cape Refuge Series.
In addition to her suspense novels, she has written a number of novels in the women’s fiction genre, including Covenant Child, which was chosen as one of the first Women of Faith novels, and her Seasons Series written with Beverly LaHaye, wife of Tim LaHaye.
Blackstock has won the Retailer’s Choice Award and has appeared on national television programs such as The 700 Club, Home Life, and At Home Live with Chuck and Jenny. She has been a guest on numerous radio programs across the country and the subject of countless articles. The story of her personal journey appears in books such as Touched By the Savior by Mike Yorkey, True Stories of Answered Prayer by Mike Nappa, Faces of Faith by John Hanna, and I Saw Him In Your Eyes by Ace Collins.

Barbara Covington has one more chance to save her daughter from a devastating addiction, by staging an intervention. But when eighteen-year-old Emily disappears on the way to drug treatment—and her interventionist is found dead at the airport—Barbara enters her darkest nightmare of all.
Barbara and her son set out to find Emily before Detective Kent Harlan arrests her for a crime he is sure she committed. Fearing for Emily’s life, Barbara maintains her daughter’s innocence. But does she really know her anymore? Meanwhile, Kent has questions of his own. His gut tells him that this is a case of an addict killing for drugs, but as he gets to know Barbara, he begins to hope he’s wrong about Emily.
The panic level rises as the mysteries intensify: Did Emily’s obsession with drugs lead her to commit murder—or is she another victim of a cold-blooded killer?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Intervention, go HERE
Watch the book Trailer:
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