Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Way to Get Published...

... is to SUBMIT!

As I stood by Author Amy Wallace at her booksigning yesterday, I realized this very fact. The only way to get published is to submit my work. The only way to get an agent or editor's attention is to finish that manuscript and actually mail or email it!

But please adhere to the publishing house or agent office guidelines. The agents and publishing corporations post them for a reason, you know.

I've been sitting on a manuscript with a request for a while. Though I've been considering submitting it to the requesting Agent and Editor, I've revised... Revised... Revised some more...

I have a request for 2 partials and 1 full. Well, the full isn't ready. The partial, I can deliver. I've heard of authors submitting entries to contests and even submitting to the requesting editor or agent and not having their work completed. I've also heard of them rushing to finish when the editor/agent requested the full!

What are some of the things you've done? What was the outcome? I'd love to hear the good and bad and that may help me make my decision.

And, have you submitted anything lately? I'd love to hear about it and cheer you on!

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I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...