Sunday, April 5, 2009


picture courtesy of When We Get There

In my devotional for this morning, it talks about transformation and relates it to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. As Christians, we know that because of Christ we are taken from death to life the moment He becomes our Lord. Still, this is not an easy thing. As Christians, we are not perfect. We struggle. We sometimes know we should comfort others but something happens and we fail. We say the wrong thing, we don't do as others "expect" us. Transformation in our Christian life takes more than showing up at Church for an hour on Sundays. Its all a part of being in the Word daily. I fail at this. And I can admit to you when I don't start my day in the Word, I miss it and I feel it to the center of my soul. It affects every word I speak and every action I take.

The same goes for writing. If we aren't consistent in planning our stories and working deligently on them, the end product is lacking. A good novel isn't produced over night. An excellent novel comes after years of learning the craft and putting what we've learned to work.

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I've always enjoyed reading historical novels. As a child I actually imagined living in the mid 1800s. My grandmother fed my imaginatio...